Tylko teraz 35% zniżki*
Angielski w IT
Czy Twój angielski ogranicza Cię na spotkaniach w IT? Mamy na to rozwiązanie!
Kurs na Platformie VOD. 4 moduły: Daily, Planowanie, Retrospektywa, Zwroty dla poszczególnych ról w zespole Scrum, zakończone egzaminem oraz certyfikatem.
Pobierz przykładowe materiały.

35% taniej
Teraz tylko 199 + vat zł!
Oferta ograniczona czasowo.
*Najniższa cena w ciągu 30 dni: 307 + vat zł.
Brałaś/brałeś udział w poprzednich edycjach kursu w formie webinarów? Przejdź do Strefy Uczestnika
i prowadząca
Lidia Kniaź-Hunek
Fantastyczny, energiczny twórca internetowy (English with Tech Girl), a do tego nauczyciel akademicki. Jako absolwentka anglistyki i amerykanistyki z doświadczeniem w roli testera w projektach IT (USA, Kanada), Lidia posiada unikalne połączenie umiejętności, które przekłada na praktyczne i dynamiczne nauczanie.
#USA #Kanada
Angielski w IT –
kurs video
Dlaczego warto wybrać nasz kurs? Podstawowym elementem kursu są nagrania video.
Do każdego modułu: Daily, Planowanie, Retrospektywa, Przydatne zwroty dla poszczególnych ról otrzymasz audio do nauki wymowy, ćwiczenia i ebook ze zwrotami.
Dostęp do platformy video kursu jest nieograniczony.
4 x 1h nagrania video
4 x E-book z przydatnymi zwrotami
4 x Ćwiczenia
4 x Audio do nauki wymowy
"Angielski w IT: Spotkania w zespołach Scrumowych" to unikalny kurs językowy stworzony z myślą o specyfice pracy w zespołach Scrum w międzynarodowym środowisku IT.
Kurs koncentruje się na trzech kluczowych obszarach: Daily, Planowanie, Retrospektywa, uwzględniając specyficzną terminologię dla różnych ról IT.
Kurs pozwoli Ci zyskać pewność siebie i zwiększyć komfort komunikacji w języku angielskim w pracy w branży IT.
Kurs stworzony z myślą o zespołach i specjalistach IT pracujących w międzynarodowym środowisku.
Idealny dla osób pełniących różne role w zespole - tester, QA, programista, analityk, Scrum Master i Product Owner.
Szczególnie polecany dla tych, którzy chcą poprawić swoje umiejętności językowe, aby efektywniej komunikować się na spotkaniach i podczas wykonywania codziennych zadań.
Nagrania są prowadzone po polsku, lecz dla maksymalnego wykorzystania udziału zalecana jest znajomość j. angielskiego co najmniej na poziomie B1.
1 .Spotkania w IT: Daily
Płynny angielski na takich spotkaniach gwarantuje sprawną komunikację i uniknięcie nieporozumień. Poznaj techniki i zwroty, które uczynią Twoje Daily jeszcze bardziej efektywnymi.
2 . Spotkania w IT: Planowanie
Te spotkania wymagają jasnego przekazu oraz precyzyjnego definiowania celów. Dzięki płynnemu angielskiemu z łatwością zdefiniujesz zadania na najbliższy sprint, a Twoje sugestie zostaną w łaściwie zrozumiane przez cały zespół.
3. Spotkania w IT: Retrospektywa
Retrospektywy są okazją do podsumowania pracy
i wyciągania wniosków. Umiejętność wyrażenia swoich opinii w języku angielskim pomoże w identyfikacji obszarów do poprawy i wzmocni współpracę zespołową.
4. Przydatne zwroty dla poszczególnych ról
Bez względu na to, czy jesteś Scrum Masterem, Developerem czy Testerem, mamy dla Ciebie zestaw typowych zwrotów, które podkreślą Twój profesjonalizm w środowisku IT.
Nasz kurs to seria 4 video. Do każdego modułu otrzymujesz materiały do samodzielnej pracy: nagrania wideo, pliki mp3 oraz PDFy z ćwiczeniami i istotnymi zwrotami. Na koniec kursu zapraszamy na egzamin, który jest nie tylko doskonałym narzędziem motywującym do systematycznej nauki, ale także umożliwia sprawdzenie zdobytych umiejętności.
Prowadząca kurs, Lidia, to wykwalifikowana nauczycielka akademicka, absolwentka anglistyki i amerykanistyki. Co więcej, posiada doświadczenie jako tester w międzynarodowych projektach IT dla firm z USA i Kanady. Jest wyjątkowo energetyczną, kontaktową osobą, z pasją do nauki innych.

Chcesz wykupić dostęp do kursu dla większej grupy?
Chcesz skorzystać z budżetu szkoleniowego?
Napisz do nas na: kontakt@cantest.it
Wystawimy fakturę i przekażemy Ci kod do rejestracji dla pracowników.
Sprawdź! Kurs działa!
Most frequently asked questions
Check what questions our clients most frequently ask regarding our training and services. If you haven't found an answer to your question, please be sure to reach out to us at kontakt@cantest.it
Is it worth spending money on paid training?
Obecnie branża IT jest jednym z najbardziej międzynarodowych sektorów, w którym znajomość języka angielskiego jest niezbędna. Wiele ofert pracy wymaga już nie tylko specjalistycznych umiejętności, ale też płynnej komunikacji po angielsku, by sprostać wymaganiom globalnych projektów i międzynarodowych zespołów. Doskonale wiemy, że nie każdy kurs językowy jest taki sam. Kurs "Angielski w IT: Spotkania w zespołach Scrumowych" wyróżnia się jednak na tle innych. Dlaczego? Nasza prowadząca, z wykształceniem anglistycznym i amerykanistycznym, nie tylko świetnie zna język, z uwzględnieniem akcentu i wymowy, ale posiada też praktyczne doświadczenie w branży IT. Program kursu został stworzony we współpracy z testerami i programistami, co gwarantuje jego wysoką jakość i praktyczność. Znajdziesz tu autentyczne, życiowe przykłady, które możesz od razu wdrożyć w codzienną pracę. To nie jest tylko nauka języka - to nauka komunikacji w typowych, branżowych sytuacjach. Materiały edukacyjne obejmują pdf ze zwrotami i ćwiczeniami, nagrania z webinarów Live oraz materiały audio. Co więcej, za zakończenie kursu czeka na Ciebie motywujący egzamin, który pomoże Ci ocenić swoje postępy i skuteczność nauki.
Is it worth spending money on paid training?
In the vast majority of cases that we have observed over the past decade among testers, the answer is yes - it is worth it. Live training with an instructor, combined with independent practice and learning, yields the best and, most importantly, the fastest results.
You will save time, learn best practices, avoid many hours and days of helplessness when facing problems, avoid common beginner mistakes, steer clear of the confusion caused by an excess of outdated materials on the internet, see quick results, and become motivated to further pursue automation.
Intensive training with an instructor is particularly valuable for you if:
You test manually and are just starting to take an interest in automation.
You have tried self-learning, but it has been a while and the results are unsatisfactory.
You already write tests but lack confidence and wonder if you're doing it right.
You have been procrastinating learning and keep putting it off for 'tomorrow.'
You want to explore a new technology/framework.
You feel like 'this is not for me' due to the overwhelming amount of information and technical challenges.
You want to write more advanced tests.
You want to write code more consciously and understand it better.
You want to learn automation as quickly as possible.
You want to make the most efficient use of your training budget.
Is it worth spending money on paid training?
In the vast majority of cases that we have observed over the past decade among testers, the answer is yes - it is worth it. Live training with an instructor, combined with independent practice and learning, yields the best and, most importantly, the fastest results.
You will save time, learn best practices, avoid many hours and days of helplessness when facing problems, avoid common beginner mistakes, steer clear of the confusion caused by an excess of outdated materials on the internet, see quick results, and become motivated to further pursue automation.
Intensive training with an instructor is particularly valuable for you if:
You test manually and are just starting to take an interest in automation.
You have tried self-learning, but it has been a while and the results are unsatisfactory.
You already write tests but lack confidence and wonder if you're doing it right.
You have been procrastinating learning and keep putting it off for 'tomorrow.'
You want to explore a new technology/framework.
You feel like 'this is not for me' due to the overwhelming amount of information and technical challenges.
You want to write more advanced tests.
You want to write code more consciously and understand it better.
You want to learn automation as quickly as possible.
You want to make the most efficient use of your training budget.
Is it worth spending money on paid training?
In the vast majority of cases that we have observed over the past decade among testers, the answer is yes - it is worth it. Live training with an instructor, combined with independent practice and learning, yields the best and, most importantly, the fastest results.
You will save time, learn best practices, avoid many hours and days of helplessness when facing problems, avoid common beginner mistakes, steer clear of the confusion caused by an excess of outdated materials on the internet, see quick results, and become motivated to further pursue automation.
Intensive training with an instructor is particularly valuable for you if:
You test manually and are just starting to take an interest in automation.
You have tried self-learning, but it has been a while and the results are unsatisfactory.
You already write tests but lack confidence and wonder if you're doing it right.
You have been procrastinating learning and keep putting it off for 'tomorrow.'
You want to explore a new technology/framework.
You feel like 'this is not for me' due to the overwhelming amount of information and technical challenges.
You want to write more advanced tests.
You want to write code more consciously and understand it better.
You want to learn automation as quickly as possible.
You want to make the most efficient use of your training budget.
Is it worth spending money on paid training?
In the vast majority of cases that we have observed over the past decade among testers, the answer is yes - it is worth it. Live training with an instructor, combined with independent practice and learning, yields the best and, most importantly, the fastest results.
You will save time, learn best practices, avoid many hours and days of helplessness when facing problems, avoid common beginner mistakes, steer clear of the confusion caused by an excess of outdated materials on the internet, see quick results, and become motivated to further pursue automation.
Intensive training with an instructor is particularly valuable for you if:
You test manually and are just starting to take an interest in automation.
You have tried self-learning, but it has been a while and the results are unsatisfactory.
You already write tests but lack confidence and wonder if you're doing it right.
You have been procrastinating learning and keep putting it off for 'tomorrow.'
You want to explore a new technology/framework.
You feel like 'this is not for me' due to the overwhelming amount of information and technical challenges.
You want to write more advanced tests.
You want to write code more consciously and understand it better.
You want to learn automation as quickly as possible.
You want to make the most efficient use of your training budget.
Is it worth spending money on paid training?
In the vast majority of cases that we have observed over the past decade among testers, the answer is yes - it is worth it. Live training with an instructor, combined with independent practice and learning, yields the best and, most importantly, the fastest results.
You will save time, learn best practices, avoid many hours and days of helplessness when facing problems, avoid common beginner mistakes, steer clear of the confusion caused by an excess of outdated materials on the internet, see quick results, and become motivated to further pursue automation.
Intensive training with an instructor is particularly valuable for you if:
You test manually and are just starting to take an interest in automation.
You have tried self-learning, but it has been a while and the results are unsatisfactory.
You already write tests but lack confidence and wonder if you're doing it right.
You have been procrastinating learning and keep putting it off for 'tomorrow.'
You want to explore a new technology/framework.
You feel like 'this is not for me' due to the overwhelming amount of information and technical challenges.
You want to write more advanced tests.
You want to write code more consciously and understand it better.
You want to learn automation as quickly as possible.
You want to make the most efficient use of your training budget.
Is it worth spending money on paid training?
In the vast majority of cases that we have observed over the past decade among testers, the answer is yes - it is worth it. Live training with an instructor, combined with independent practice and learning, yields the best and, most importantly, the fastest results.
You will save time, learn best practices, avoid many hours and days of helplessness when facing problems, avoid common beginner mistakes, steer clear of the confusion caused by an excess of outdated materials on the internet, see quick results, and become motivated to further pursue automation.
Intensive training with an instructor is particularly valuable for you if:
You test manually and are just starting to take an interest in automation.
You have tried self-learning, but it has been a while and the results are unsatisfactory.
You already write tests but lack confidence and wonder if you're doing it right.
You have been procrastinating learning and keep putting it off for 'tomorrow.'
You want to explore a new technology/framework.
You feel like 'this is not for me' due to the overwhelming amount of information and technical challenges.
You want to write more advanced tests.
You want to write code more consciously and understand it better.
You want to learn automation as quickly as possible.
You want to make the most efficient use of your training budget.
Is it worth spending money on paid training?
In the vast majority of cases that we have observed over the past decade among testers, the answer is yes - it is worth it. Live training with an instructor, combined with independent practice and learning, yields the best and, most importantly, the fastest results.
You will save time, learn best practices, avoid many hours and days of helplessness when facing problems, avoid common beginner mistakes, steer clear of the confusion caused by an excess of outdated materials on the internet, see quick results, and become motivated to further pursue automation.
Intensive training with an instructor is particularly valuable for you if:
You test manually and are just starting to take an interest in automation.
You have tried self-learning, but it has been a while and the results are unsatisfactory.
You already write tests but lack confidence and wonder if you're doing it right.
You have been procrastinating learning and keep putting it off for 'tomorrow.'
You want to explore a new technology/framework.
You feel like 'this is not for me' due to the overwhelming amount of information and technical challenges.
You want to write more advanced tests.
You want to write code more consciously and understand it better.
You want to learn automation as quickly as possible.
You want to make the most efficient use of your training budget.
Is it worth spending money on paid training?
In the vast majority of cases that we have observed over the past decade among testers, the answer is yes - it is worth it. Live training with an instructor, combined with independent practice and learning, yields the best and, most importantly, the fastest results.
You will save time, learn best practices, avoid many hours and days of helplessness when facing problems, avoid common beginner mistakes, steer clear of the confusion caused by an excess of outdated materials on the internet, see quick results, and become motivated to further pursue automation.
Intensive training with an instructor is particularly valuable for you if:
You test manually and are just starting to take an interest in automation.
You have tried self-learning, but it has been a while and the results are unsatisfactory.
You already write tests but lack confidence and wonder if you're doing it right.
You have been procrastinating learning and keep putting it off for 'tomorrow.'
You want to explore a new technology/framework.
You feel like 'this is not for me' due to the overwhelming amount of information and technical challenges.
You want to write more advanced tests.
You want to write code more consciously and understand it better.
You want to learn automation as quickly as possible.
You want to make the most efficient use of your training budget.
Czytaj więcej
Is it worth spending money on paid training?
In the vast majority of cases that we have observed over the past decade among testers, the answer is yes - it is worth it. Live training with an instructor, combined with independent practice and learning, yields the best and, most importantly, the fastest results.
You will save time, learn best practices, avoid many hours and days of helplessness when facing problems, avoid common beginner mistakes, steer clear of the confusion caused by an excess of outdated materials on the internet, see quick results, and become motivated to further pursue automation.
Intensive training with an instructor is particularly valuable for you if:
You test manually and are just starting to take an interest in automation.
You have tried self-learning, but it has been a while and the results are unsatisfactory.
You already write tests but lack confidence and wonder if you're doing it right.
You have been procrastinating learning and keep putting it off for 'tomorrow.'
You want to explore a new technology/framework.
You feel like 'this is not for me' due to the overwhelming amount of information and technical challenges.
You want to write more advanced tests.
You want to write code more consciously and understand it better.
You want to learn automation as quickly as possible.
You want to make the most efficient use of your training budget.
Is it worth spending money on paid training?
In the vast majority of cases that we have observed over the past decade among testers, the answer is yes - it is worth it. Live training with an instructor, combined with independent practice and learning, yields the best and, most importantly, the fastest results.
You will save time, learn best practices, avoid many hours and days of helplessness when facing problems, avoid common beginner mistakes, steer clear of the confusion caused by an excess of outdated materials on the internet, see quick results, and become motivated to further pursue automation.
Intensive training with an instructor is particularly valuable for you if:
You test manually and are just starting to take an interest in automation.
You have tried self-learning, but it has been a while and the results are unsatisfactory.
You already write tests but lack confidence and wonder if you're doing it right.
You have been procrastinating learning and keep putting it off for 'tomorrow.'
You want to explore a new technology/framework.
You feel like 'this is not for me' due to the overwhelming amount of information and technical challenges.
You want to write more advanced tests.
You want to write code more consciously and understand it better.
You want to learn automation as quickly as possible.
You want to make the most efficient use of your training budget.
Is it worth spending money on paid training?
In the vast majority of cases that we have observed over the past decade among testers, the answer is yes - it is worth it. Live training with an instructor, combined with independent practice and learning, yields the best and, most importantly, the fastest results.
You will save time, learn best practices, avoid many hours and days of helplessness when facing problems, avoid common beginner mistakes, steer clear of the confusion caused by an excess of outdated materials on the internet, see quick results, and become motivated to further pursue automation.
Intensive training with an instructor is particularly valuable for you if:
You test manually and are just starting to take an interest in automation.
You have tried self-learning, but it has been a while and the results are unsatisfactory.
You already write tests but lack confidence and wonder if you're doing it right.
You have been procrastinating learning and keep putting it off for 'tomorrow.'
You want to explore a new technology/framework.
You feel like 'this is not for me' due to the overwhelming amount of information and technical challenges.
You want to write more advanced tests.
You want to write code more consciously and understand it better.
You want to learn automation as quickly as possible.
You want to make the most efficient use of your training budget.
Is it worth spending money on paid training?
In the vast majority of cases that we have observed over the past decade among testers, the answer is yes - it is worth it. Live training with an instructor, combined with independent practice and learning, yields the best and, most importantly, the fastest results.
You will save time, learn best practices, avoid many hours and days of helplessness when facing problems, avoid common beginner mistakes, steer clear of the confusion caused by an excess of outdated materials on the internet, see quick results, and become motivated to further pursue automation.
Intensive training with an instructor is particularly valuable for you if:
You test manually and are just starting to take an interest in automation.
You have tried self-learning, but it has been a while and the results are unsatisfactory.
You already write tests but lack confidence and wonder if you're doing it right.
You have been procrastinating learning and keep putting it off for 'tomorrow.'
You want to explore a new technology/framework.
You feel like 'this is not for me' due to the overwhelming amount of information and technical challenges.
You want to write more advanced tests.
You want to write code more consciously and understand it better.
You want to learn automation as quickly as possible.
You want to make the most efficient use of your training budget.
Is it worth spending money on paid training?
In the vast majority of cases that we have observed over the past decade among testers, the answer is yes - it is worth it. Live training with an instructor, combined with independent practice and learning, yields the best and, most importantly, the fastest results.
You will save time, learn best practices, avoid many hours and days of helplessness when facing problems, avoid common beginner mistakes, steer clear of the confusion caused by an excess of outdated materials on the internet, see quick results, and become motivated to further pursue automation.
Intensive training with an instructor is particularly valuable for you if:
You test manually and are just starting to take an interest in automation.
You have tried self-learning, but it has been a while and the results are unsatisfactory.
You already write tests but lack confidence and wonder if you're doing it right.
You have been procrastinating learning and keep putting it off for 'tomorrow.'
You want to explore a new technology/framework.
You feel like 'this is not for me' due to the overwhelming amount of information and technical challenges.
You want to write more advanced tests.
You want to write code more consciously and understand it better.
You want to learn automation as quickly as possible.
You want to make the most efficient use of your training budget.
Is it worth spending money on paid training?
In the vast majority of cases that we have observed over the past decade among testers, the answer is yes - it is worth it. Live training with an instructor, combined with independent practice and learning, yields the best and, most importantly, the fastest results.
You will save time, learn best practices, avoid many hours and days of helplessness when facing problems, avoid common beginner mistakes, steer clear of the confusion caused by an excess of outdated materials on the internet, see quick results, and become motivated to further pursue automation.
Intensive training with an instructor is particularly valuable for you if:
You test manually and are just starting to take an interest in automation.
You have tried self-learning, but it has been a while and the results are unsatisfactory.
You already write tests but lack confidence and wonder if you're doing it right.
You have been procrastinating learning and keep putting it off for 'tomorrow.'
You want to explore a new technology/framework.
You feel like 'this is not for me' due to the overwhelming amount of information and technical challenges.
You want to write more advanced tests.
You want to write code more consciously and understand it better.
You want to learn automation as quickly as possible.
You want to make the most efficient use of your training budget.
Is it worth spending money on paid training?
In the vast majority of cases that we have observed over the past decade among testers, the answer is yes - it is worth it. Live training with an instructor, combined with independent practice and learning, yields the best and, most importantly, the fastest results.
You will save time, learn best practices, avoid many hours and days of helplessness when facing problems, avoid common beginner mistakes, steer clear of the confusion caused by an excess of outdated materials on the internet, see quick results, and become motivated to further pursue automation.
Intensive training with an instructor is particularly valuable for you if:
You test manually and are just starting to take an interest in automation.
You have tried self-learning, but it has been a while and the results are unsatisfactory.
You already write tests but lack confidence and wonder if you're doing it right.
You have been procrastinating learning and keep putting it off for 'tomorrow.'
You want to explore a new technology/framework.
You feel like 'this is not for me' due to the overwhelming amount of information and technical challenges.
You want to write more advanced tests.
You want to write code more consciously and understand it better.
You want to learn automation as quickly as possible.
You want to make the most efficient use of your training budget.
Is it worth spending money on paid training?
In the vast majority of cases that we have observed over the past decade among testers, the answer is yes - it is worth it. Live training with an instructor, combined with independent practice and learning, yields the best and, most importantly, the fastest results.
You will save time, learn best practices, avoid many hours and days of helplessness when facing problems, avoid common beginner mistakes, steer clear of the confusion caused by an excess of outdated materials on the internet, see quick results, and become motivated to further pursue automation.
Intensive training with an instructor is particularly valuable for you if:
You test manually and are just starting to take an interest in automation.
You have tried self-learning, but it has been a while and the results are unsatisfactory.
You already write tests but lack confidence and wonder if you're doing it right.
You have been procrastinating learning and keep putting it off for 'tomorrow.'
You want to explore a new technology/framework.
You feel like 'this is not for me' due to the overwhelming amount of information and technical challenges.
You want to write more advanced tests.
You want to write code more consciously and understand it better.
You want to learn automation as quickly as possible.
You want to make the most efficient use of your training budget.