I. General provisions
The organizer of the event is CanTest IT Sp. z oo (seat: ul. Rybałtów 12 lok. 46B, 02-886 Warsaw, e-mail:, KRS: 0000802717, NIP: 951-24-90-213) (hereinafter: the "Organizer").
The contract is concluded upon confirmation of the application by the Organizer.
An electronic terminal device is used to conclude the contract. By sending the application - you consent to the use of an electronic terminal device for the conclusion of the contract.
The cost of participation, date and organizational details of the event are included on the website and in the application form.
II. Payment
Payment for participation in the event should be made before the date of the event using the online payment method provided by the Organizer or on the basis of a pro-forma invoice provided by the Organizer to the participant's e-mail address.
Within 7 days of receiving the payment, the Organizer will issue an invoice to the participant (if the participant indicated the willingness to receive an invoice in the application form). The Participant authorizes the Organizer to issue electronic invoices without the recipient's signature.
The fee for participation in the event includes: participation of one person in the event, electronic training materials and a certificate / certificate of participation in the training. The certificate / certificate is issued by the Organizer at the participant's request.
The Organizer is entitled to statutory interest for late payments.
If, when registering for an event, a rebate code is entered by the participant, the price applies to the Parties, taking into account the discount resulting from the rebate code provided by the participant, unless:
a) the rebate code entered has not been previously issued by the Organizer or at the request of the Organizer,
b) the entered rebate code has already been used once in accordance with the purpose for which it was issued,
c) in accordance with the conditions of the rebate code - its validity has expired,
d) the rebate code was a personal code and was issued to a person other than the participant.
III. Conditions of participation
Application for participation in the event and payment of the fee for participation in the event entitles to participation in the event for one person indicated in the form.
The participant is obliged not to share the link to the event with other people.
Fixing, recording or other forms of copying the event is prohibited.
The participant should meet the following hardware and software requirements:
a) Administrative rights on a computer with an installed operating system,
b) The organizer does not provide computer equipment,
c) Other software indicated in advance by the Organizer by electronic means specific to of the event.
IV. Resignation
If the participant is a consumer or a natural person for whom the subject of the contract concluded with the Organizer is related to its business activity, if this contract is not of a professional nature for this participant, the Participant has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days from the date of its conclusion.
In the event of exercising the right to withdraw from the contract, the participant referred to in sec. 1, there is a refund of all payments made to the Organizer.
The right specified in sec. 1 is not entitled to the Participant:
a) if he has consented to the Organizer starting the provision of services before the expiry of the deadline for exercising the right to withdraw from the contract,
b) the event has started.
4. Participants who do not have the status referred to in subpara. 1, up to 7 days before the date of the event, may terminate the contract concluded with the Organizer against payment of a contractual penalty in the amount of:
a) 20% of the gross fee for participation in the event, if the termination is made 30-14 days before the event,
b) 50% of the gross fee for participation in the event, if the notice is given within 13-7 days before the event.
5. Withdrawal from the contract by the person referred to in sec. 1 or the termination of the contract referred to in paragraph 4, may take place by sending to the Organiser's e-mail address
messages saying: "I hereby resign from participation in the event named [name of training]".
V. Reservations
The copyrights to the substantive content (presentation content, image and sound) belong to the Organizer and the trainers. Recording sound and / or image without the consent of the host and the Organizer is prohibited. Any attempt to distribute the content of the event without the rights of the copyright owners is also prohibited.
The organizer has the right to cancel or change the date of the event. If the event is canceled, the Organizer will refund all payments collected from the participant. If the date of the event is changed, the Organizer will propose to the participant a different date of the event - if it is accepted by the participant, the Parties are bound by an agreement containing the change of the date of the event.
VI. Final Provisions
An integral part of these regulations is the Privacy Policy.
Regulamin kursu online "Angielski w IT: Spotkania w zespołach Scrumowych"
§ 1. Postanowienia ogólne
Niniejszy Regulamin określa warunki zakupu i korzystania z kursu online "Angielski w IT: Spotkania w zespołach Scrumowych" oferowanego przez CanTest IT Sp. z o.o. (dalej "Usługodawca") za pośrednictwem strony internetowej kursu.
Korzystanie z kursu wymaga akceptacji niniejszego Regulaminu.
§ 2. Definicje
Kurs online - kurs edukacyjny "Angielski w IT: Spotkania w zespołach Scrumowych" dostępny w formie video, audio, e-book.
Klient - osoba fizyczna lub prawna dokonująca zakupu kursu poprzez stronę internetową Usługodawcy.
Umowa sprzedaży - umowa zawierana pomiędzy Klientem a Usługodawcą na podstawie dokonanego zakupu kursu.
§ 3. Zakup kursu
Zakup kursu odbywa się poprzez wybór preferowanej metody płatności: Stripe, PayU, Fondy na stronie internetowej kursu.
Po złożeniu zamówienia i dokonaniu płatności Klient otrzymuje dostęp do materiałów kursowych.
§ 4. Prawo odstąpienia od umowy
Klient, będący konsumentem, ma prawo odstąpić od umowy zakupu kursu w terminie 14 dni od daty zakupu, bez podania przyczyny.
Aby skorzystać z prawa odstąpienia od umowy, Klient powinien przesłać stosowne oświadczenie na adres e-mail Usługodawcy.
§ 5. Prawa autorskie
Wszelkie prawa autorskie do materiałów kursowych "Angielski w IT: Spotkania w zespołach Scrumowych" należą do [Twoje imię/nazwisko/firmę].
Zabrania się kopiowania, rozpowszechniania lub modyfikowania materiałów kursowych bez zgody Usługodawcy.
§ 6. Warunki uczestnictwa
Kurs jest dostępny dla uczestników przez czas nieograniczony.
Usługodawca zastrzega sobie prawo do zamknięcia kursu w przypadku zamknięcia działalności firmy lub wystąpienia czynników niezależnych, uniemożliwiających dalsze prowadzenie kursu.
§ 7. Reklamacje
Uczestnicy mają prawo składać reklamacje dotyczące kursu za pośrednictwem formularza kontaktowego dostępnego na stronie internetowej kursu.
Usługodawca zobowiązuje się do rozpatrzenia reklamacji w terminie 14 dni od daty ich otrzymania.
§ 8. Odpowiedzialność
Usługodawca nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za szkody wynikłe z nieprawidłowego korzystania przez Klienta z materiałów kursowych.
§ 9. Postanowienia końcowe
Wszelkie spory wynikłe z niniejszej umowy będą rozstrzygane przez sąd właściwy dla siedziby Usługodawcy.
Niniejszy Regulamin jest dostępny w wersji elektronicznej na stronie internetowej kursu.