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Test automation Selenium inPython for software testers and QA.

During the training you will learn the basics of Python and write automated tests for the web applicationREACT for event management using the most popular Selenium testing framework.
During training, we do our best to help participants write automatic tests as quickly as possible.
Problem -> solution
Live training is the solution to the most common problems in learning automation
Purpose of the training
The aim of the training is to prepare you to write automated tests on your own. To achieve this goal, we will start with a solid and necessary basics of Python programming and then from 0 together we will write Selenium automated tests for React Web applications. We will focus on the most common scenarios and commands used in real projects. After the training, the test application with the test code will be with you locally and you will be able to further develop the project and return to it as a "cheat sheet".

David Pacia
1/3 QA, 1/3 DevOps, 1/3 Lead. I spent the last 10 years in Krakow, and 5+ in tests. A tech freak who follows all the latest technologies (and implements them on his own). A fan of the agile approach to project management and building products. Proudly and patriotically awarded in the "People of Testing" plebiscite 2018 and 2019.
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